Technical News

Why On Demand?

August 25, 2020

Tickit on Demand system is a comprehensive, advanced feature rich SaaS application. Tickit on Demand is currently hosted with Amazon Web Services (AWS) in Sydney. Our fast and reliable servers enable you to access Tickit on Demand from anywhere at any time. All you need is a standard internet browser. We support Internet Explorer 8 and above, Mozilla Firefox 2.0 and above, Chrome or Safari.  


  • Tickit On Demand is hosted within a scalable, fault-tolerant infrastructure. Additional server resources are deployed as required to ensure the high-availability and responsiveness of the application.
  • Our servers require RSA Certificates for Tickit System Administrators to log in to, and are firewalled with IP restrictions. The Tickit Server cluster operates on a private network that is not accessible from the outside Internet.
  • Data is partitioned into per client databases with strict database access policies (single tenancy application).
  • Data is SSL encrypted. SSL Certificates are provided by a commercial certificate provider ensuring enhanced security for your sensitive data.

This means you have a simple, intuitive risk and compliance application that can very rapidly be deployed across your business.

Active Directory

May 1, 2017

Many clients do not know that Tickit On Demand has a security verification feature that allows us to confirm your userid and password with your own Active Directory environment. Whilst that may sound ...

Incident and Breach Management...

September 6, 2010

For a long time coming there has been a need for an easy to use incident and breach management software. A software that is easy to use but at the same time flexible enough to accommodate a wide range...

Need custom fields. Click here...

March 7, 2009

You have been asking us for a long time to be able to add your own fields to Tickit On Demand. We went back to the drawing board to figure out how we could deliver an effective customisation functio...